Welcome to the Optimised Life
 Miracle Membership

Whole Person, Integrated Wellbeing

The membership is currently on hold and will be back after a brief hiatus.  
Please register to be kept up to date

Can you relate to this?

"I want to take more care of myself / get more out of my life, but I just donโ€™t have the time, energy or commitment to make lasting changesโ€

We know that problem inside out!  Both of us have faced it ourselves as well as having worked with countless individuals over the years who've come to us feeling like that.

The self help and wellbeing world can be overwhelming.  With so much (often conflicting) advice, it can feel impossible know where to start and to how to keep up the momentum. Especially when it feels like you are at capacity with life already! The brain seeks familiarity and your well intended learnt behaviour, conditioned from childhood, will do anything to keep you "safe" - even from growing into a healthier, happier version of you!

The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way!

With gentle support, shifted awareness and sustainable activities - lasting transformation is possible.  We know, because we have seen it happen time and time again.  The trick is to keep it bite-sized, get support and take it one day and one challenge at a time.  Gently carving out a little time for you, and retraining that inner child to trust a new path.

This Miracle Membership provides you with the gentle support, shifted awareness and sustainable activities you need in your pocket, as you take a brief pause each day to connect with the most important priority of your life - YOU.

We can't wait to show you how it works, but first let us introduce ourselves!

Ali is a Transformative Coach and Therapist, based in leafy Hertfordshire. She has spent the last two decades involved in coaching, therapy and wellbeing work, helping clients move into living a life they love. She has taken deep dives into several different healing modalities including Nutritional Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork and Meditation, as well as her coaching and therapy work, and loves taking a whole-person approach to wellness. Her clients include people with relationship struggles as well as anyone struggling with feeling stuck, generally, in life.

Ali has two teenage children and loves sunrises, sunshine, bare feet on the grass, paddleboarding and dancing to 80s hiphop in her kitchen :)

To find out more about Ali, check out her website here.

Vicky is a Life and Business Coach & trainer, based near the sea in Essex. Since 2009 she has been supporting clients with her compassionate, whole person approach. Enabling them to move through work, life & human challenges into freer expressions of themselves - whatever that means to them! She loves to use her variety of coaching, therapeutic and training skills in all sorts of settings and is most often found working with ambitious and capable professionals who are a little overwhelmed and/or under-fulfilled.

Vicky is Mum to a preschool daughter, loves the sea, nature, looking after our planet, yoga, exploring mind bending spiritual conversations and stuff like that!

To find out more about Vicky, check out her website here:

Each month of the Miracle Membership is a mini course which creates evolution on its own AND is part of a bigger picture.

Imagine the transformation that is possible as each additional month reinforces this evolution and builds momentum rewiring your brain towards wellbeing and empowering you to let go of longstanding limitations!

Are you ready to transform your life?

Great!  Ali & Vicky are here to help you live the Optimised Life of your dreams.  "But what is an Optimised Life?" we hear you yell!  
Let us tell you:

An Optimised Life:

 ๐ŸŒŸIs nurturing, wholesome, meaningful and fulfilling.
 ๐ŸŒŸAllows the flow of creative intelligence into your work.
 ๐ŸŒŸInvolves less struggle and more ease.
 ๐ŸŒŸMeans returning home to who you really are.
 ๐ŸŒŸIs free of unhelpful childhood conditioning.
 ๐ŸŒŸIs full of satisfying relationships.
 ๐ŸŒŸIs one of optimal health.
 ๐ŸŒŸInvolves following your bliss.
 ๐ŸŒŸWorks at one with nature.
 ๐ŸŒŸDitches what doesn't serve you.

Let all that sink in for a minute!

This is what you have been waiting for!  With hands on help and bespoke guidance through the Optimised Life - Miracle Membership.  Whether your top priority is your health, work, emotional wellbeing, relationships, or anything else - our online membership is your gateway to a world of sustainable well-being, offering a treasure trove of tools, resources, live coaching calls and a supportive community that will empower you to thrive, in a whole-person, integrated way.  And we can't wait to meet you.

The Miracle Membership is currently on hold and will be back after a brief hiatus.
Please register to be kept up to date.

The Whole-Person Integrated Approach  

This is how our membership is so very different!

Change is a process.  As incredibly complex, multi-faceted beings, to truly live an optimised life, transforming in a sustainable way, we MUST honour the whole person, follow all parts of the process and take the integrated approach:

GROUND:  Returning to optimal settings, physically, mentally and environmentally, through simple practices and habits.

RELEASE:  Identifying and letting go of conditioning that no longer serves you, unprocessed emotions and limiting beliefs.

CONNECT:  taking steps to deepen your connection with your true self, nature, other people, and gain a deeper spiritual understanding

GROW:  Having done the hard work, you can then evolve in whichever areas of your life you choose!

Here's How it Works

Each month, we will be inviting you to join us on a journey of self reflection and evolution as we explore a new wellbeing topic and provide guidance, support and challenges to get you thinking, growing and evolving.  
Each monthly topic will be explored through our Whole-Person, Integrative approach, which builds month on month, cumulatively rewiring your brain towards wellbeing, allowing YOU to make lasting transformations!

That's right, it is possible for you.  We hear those little voices that echo beliefs picked up in childhood and project them into your adult life telling you otherwise!  And we know the integrated approach that is necessary to make it through the layers of conditioning to create the life you deserve.  So let's do this!

What's Included in The Miracle Membership?
๐ŸŒŸ Exclusive Transformational Content: Monthly expert-led mini courses, which BUILD!    
๐ŸŒŸ Core teachings are shared each month in video and text format, which set the scene for that month's transformational journey.
๐ŸŒŸ Self reflection: A quiz or audit will often be provided at the start of the month, so you can reflect on where you are and where you would like to be.  Allowing you to recognise the room for growth.
๐ŸŒŸ Guided Meditations:  Each month we will provide 2 guided meditations, one for the morning and one for the evening, to supporting you to overcome the biggest obstacle to lasting change - your subconscious mind!  The meditations will help you gently unpick unhelpful patterns and remove limiting beliefs.
๐ŸŒŸ Gentle Nudges: Stay motivated and keep evolving with our nudges in our private Facebook group. Whatever the monthly course is focused on, you'll be  inspired to keep your momentum going, with our hints, tips, challenges and advice.  
๐ŸŒŸ Live support: Probably the most valuable part of the membership!  3 x 1 hour group Masterclass coaching calls per month - one with each of us.  Plus 1 with us together.

๐ŸŒŸ Personalised Guidance: Use our live calls to get your questions answered (submitted privately for anonymity).   
๐ŸŒŸ Ask us anything!  The masterclass coaching calls are there to help with anything that comes up - it doesn't have to be related to that month's topic,.

๐ŸŒŸ Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded individuals all on a journey to optimising your lives. Share experiences, offer and receive support, and build meaningful relationships that will last a lifetime.    
๐ŸŒŸ Carved out you-time.  When you feel like the world just needs to stop and you are at capacity for life already, carving out that tiny bit of time for you makes ALL the difference.  Stop surviving!!  Get more enjoyment out of life by nudging yourself higher up on your list of priorities.  
๐ŸŒŸ Resources Galore: Gain access to a library filled with guided meditations, previous challenges, past months courses and more โ€“ all at your fingertips.    
๐ŸŒŸ Affordable and Flexible: Not everyone's pockets can stretch to 1:1 coaching.  The Miracle Membership is designed to be accessible to everyone.  Sign up now to get access to early bird reduced membership rates for life!  

๐ŸŒŸ 7 day free trial so you can make sure this is for you.
๐ŸŒŸ Jump on board today and get ready to live the Optimised Life of your dreams!

What kinds of topics do you cover each month?

The Miracle Membership is a true Life Coaching programme. We cover a wonderfully wide range of topics.  So far we have covered:  

๐ŸŒŸDecluttering - your home is an extension of your energy field. Decluttering, organising and "stuff-minimising" has a profound effect on mind, body and soul
๐ŸŒŸ Living Intentionally - simple practices to create a life you really want to live
๐ŸŒŸ Finding Food Freedom - curb cravings and stop self-sabotaging by eating foods you know you don't want to eat
๐ŸŒŸ Aligning with Abundance - bringing mindset shifts into the areas of your life where you seek abundance (this isn't just about wealth)
๐ŸŒŸ Harnessing the power of the vagus nerve - easy regulation exercises to tone the vagus nerve and soothe the system
๐ŸŒŸ I am (Blissfully) Enough -Learning to experience the bliss that is available when you truly accept that you are already enough

The Miracle Membership is currently on hold and will be back after a brief hiatus.
Register to be kept in the loop.

Think this sounds interesting, but need to know what you'll get out of it?

Fear not.  We have designed a quiz to provide you with an opportunity for self reflection.  Allowing you to identify how aligned you currently are with the life you would like to be living.

Please take 5 minutes to explore where you are, to help you identify the room for growth.  We would love to help you ground into yourself, release what no longer serves you, connect with who you are and grow exponentially!

All this is included

Topic Check In

We introduce the monthly topic with a video tutorial, audit and some supportive meditations for the month

Deeper Dive

We invite perspective shifts and a little gentle inner child work to release those pesky limitations.

Practical tools and
gentle nudges

We will be providing regular motivation, ideas and a supportive community within our membership space.

Live Masterclasses,
Calls and Support

We invite your questions and problems for our regular coaching calls, which you can attend live, or on catch up.

If you have ever self-sabotaged, felt like the only person for whom NOTHING works, or wondered why a wellbeing approach is making an impact for someone else, but not so much for you - our Whole-Person, Integrated approach is the difference that makes the difference.

This membership is the result of four decades worth of mental, emotional, spiritual, practical and health related exploration by founders Ali and Vicky.

Between us weโ€™ve gone down the rabbit holes, got confused by the contradictions, tried things that work and things that donโ€™t, so you donโ€™t have to!

Our Miracle Membership differs in that it is all about honouring everything that makes up and impacts your experience of life and working through the fundamentals in a way that WORKS.  

We believe that there is infinite potential in the universe, and that when we are unburdened of the beliefs and constrictions that keep us stuck, we are more able to align with this potential and live an Optimised Life.

No spiritual bypassing, or positive mental attitude focused stuff here thank you!  

We will help you to GROUND into your body, RELEASE what no longer serves you, CONNECT with your true self, nature and others and GROW in every area of your life.

Let us hold your hands and guide you on this miraculous adventure we call life. But letโ€™s Optimise it, right?!


The Miracle Membership is currently on hold and will be back after a brief hiatus.
Please register to be kept in the loop.

Join us

We would love you to join us when we are back up and running.  We have created something we really believe in, and are currently practicing what we preach.
When we are ready to return we will hit the ground running!

Please register to be kept in the loop and to be informed of any interim projects and webinars run by Vicky and Ali.